The Aliens Have Landed

Strange creatures fell out of the skies
Like weird gigantic dragonflies
Then took the whole world by surprise
The aliens have landed
It’s like a nightmare coming true
I’m living in an episode of Doctor Who
Even scarier than Scooby Doo
The aliens have landed
They’re taking over Government
They’re taking over Parliament
They’ve hypnotised the President
The aliens have landed
They have humungous purple heads
Bodies bright orange, lime green and blood red
No mouths but extra ears instead
The aliens have landed
They inhabit the planet Theton 3
In the distant Andromeda Galaxy
They eat whole computers for their tea
The aliens have landed
They’re marching into Gloucestershire
Invading deepest Derbyshire
I’ve either drunk too much wine or beer or
The aliens have landed
They’ve seized countries and economies
The World Wide Web, the BBC
They’re running Tesco and Sainsbury’s
The aliens have landed
They’ve made their homes in zoos and schools
In football grounds and swimming pools
Converting baked beans into rocket fuel
The aliens have landed
British Army tanks are useless
Royal Air Force jets are powerless
My Mum and Dad are pretty stressed
The aliens have landed
They’re even banning poetry
Mankind could soon be history
So the very last words you could hear from me are:
The aliens have landed