I'm in Love with My Front Lawn

I'm in love with my front lawn
I've had this thing since I was born
Wanna lay on it, play on it, dusk till dawn
I'm in love with my front lawn

Gonna aerate it with a fork
Take turfs out for romantic walks
Let nosey neighbours gossip and talk
I'm in love with my front lawn

I won't let it go to seed
Gonna trim its borders, remove its weeds
Gonna mow it and hoe it then give it grass feed
I'm in love with my front lawn

I've always had unusual urges 
To frolic through fields and view vast verges
When I get these strong emotional surges
I'm in love with my front lawn

I know it's strange to have a crush
On something wild, green, soft and lush
Why would I beat about the bush?
I'm in love with my front lawn