LOUD (with audio)

I love to play my music loud
Open my windows
Attract a crowd
Make a row
In the street below
Let the music flow
Put on the greatest show
Welcome to my free disco
It’s the way to go
Dig the party I’m gonna throw
I love to play my music 

The speakers are banging “Boom! Boom! Boom!”
I want to wake the aliens on the moon
They too can dig my favourite tune
Blaring out in full bloom
Soul, metal, jazz, folk, hip hop
Reggae, punk, funk, indie rock
R&B, rap, bubblegum pop
Up goes the volume 
I don’t wanna stop
I love to play my music 

I want the world record for noisy music to break
I want to make the walls and the crockery shake
And vibrate
I want to feel the sound all around
Hear the drums crash, bash, smash
And the rhythm pound
In my head
I want to disturb everyone asleep in bed
And wake dead
What’s that word I said?
I love to play my music 

I don’t need earphones or an iPod
I want my music to reach up to God
In the sky
And make aeroplanes quiver as they fly by
‘Cause I’m a musical guy
Till the day I die
Music’s the apple of my eye
I’ve got no other fish to fry
So silence is in short supply
I love to play my music